Decloaking VPN traffic: New critical vulnerability

"This allows the ISP or local router to see the VPN traffic by abusing your router"

Decloaking VPN traffic: New critical vulnerability

Tinfoil Hat

Remember all the people calling me a tinfoil hat wacko for insisting on open source routers?


There is a new critical VPN vulnerability from Leviathan Security group, which they call “TunnelVision”. It allows the ISP or local router to see the VPN traffic by abusing the DHCP client and option 121

Here’s the basics:


–It uses the local area network, so we’re talking about a hostile router

Android safe

—Android is safe by default and unaffected.

Linux depends

—Linux may be safe if used correctly.

Windows & Apple

–Microsoft Windows and Apple are highly vulnerable.

In Wild

–While Leviathan created it, they think it’s been used in the wild since maybe even 2002


–Abuses the DHCP server to incorrectly route packets

–Random devices can pretend to be the router with DHCP attacks

How it works:

DHCP Basics

DHCP is when a home router assigns IP addresses to devices in your local area network. There is “ option 121” which allows that router (DHCP server) to route the VPN user’s system in a way that is more specific than those used by most VPNs. TunnelVision abuses option 121 to purposefully route the system through their fake interface.

Why Android is immune:

Android ignores option 121

How Linux users can protect themselves

Quote from Leviathan:

“Using network namespaces on Linux can completely fix this behavior. However, in our experience, it is less commonly implemented. WireGuard’s documentation shows how it’s possible to use a namespace for all applications with traffic that should be using a VPN before sending it to another namespace that contains a physical interface. However, this appears to be Linux-specific functionality and it’s not clear if there is a solution for Windows, MacOS, or other operating systems with the same amount of robustness.”


And of course, Linux PLUS an open source router is the real protection. Check out the router section of our site,

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May 7, 2024

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